Competency and Talent Management

Competency and Talent Management

Performance, Competency, Quality, and Skills Management

We have found that typically in the second year of running Synrgise, fundamental questions need to be asked.

Are we training staff for the sake of training? And what is the measurable benefit from the training we have conducted via our LMS. Many organisations don’t ask this question, and in so doing, continue to train for the sake of training.

Synrgise has identified that to truly reap the benefit of staff skill development, training needs to be directed, mapped, and given according to the specific requirements of business and targeted at growing the business positively. To achieve, we have a number of modules that form part of our Talent Management suite.

Synrgise allows for in-depth competency management and attainment. By creating competency tracked courses and competency driven job profiles, learning paths can be automated and organisational competency profiling can be achieved.

Further to this, each role in your organisation can then be mapped out with specific KPAs, Outputs, and performance measures. This enables you to conduct and score 180” based assessments between managers and staff, completely online and paperless.

With a solid competency framework and objective performance management solution, Synrgise is a fully integrated training and talent management system.

Our competency and talent management solution allows you to:

  • See skills gaps per user
  • Track skills attainment
  • Training where necessary
  • Automate training based on skills needs
  • Expire competencies after a period of time
  • Allow for Unit Standard tracking as competencies
  • Create and manage the roles in your organisation chart
  • Define the competencies needed by each role
  • Define a score and a validity time for each competence, assign users to roles
  • Add KPAs and Outcomes to each role to enable 180” Performance Assessments