learn on the go

Training you can access anytime, anywhere, easily!

Staying up to date with your training and team has never been so simple. SynrgiseLearn app available on iOS and Android.

Benefits of using

The SynrgiseLearn App

Offline Capabilities
With the LMS for mobile learning, remote areas with limited connectivity are no longer an obstacle to training. Your learners can download course modules, complete them offline, and sync their progress when back online.
Seamless learning Experience
Create a seamless learning experience for your learners across both the SynrgiseLearn web platform and the mobile app. With the same login info, your learners can resume courses they started on desktop without missing a beat.
Learn on the go
With a mobile LMS app, teams that are always on the move don’t have to slow down to learn. Keep your people in the field and on track to reach their learning goals with training that’s available in just a few taps.
Stay connected and updated
In-app communication keeps you and your learners connected. Admins, instructors, and learners can all stay in touch through messaging and forums. And, when deadlines loom notifications keep learners on track.

Want a custom, white-label SynrgiseLearn app?

Contact us and let’s get started.